This project was featured in the annual Icelandic design festival, Design March. It was part of an illustration exhibiton with the common theme "aliens", where each illustrator interprets the theme individually.

I settled on a somewhat conspiracy-related theme, namely the "ancient aliens" theory. It maintains that ancient civilizations were visited by aliens who influenced them in numerous ways, such as in technology and art. I'm a long time Egyptophile and decided to explore their peculiar style within this theme.
Here is the black and white version. Being a big fan of B/W ink, I almost ended up turning this in for my final version. I'm still not sure which one is better, this one or the coloured version, so I'm displaying both here. 
Some close-ups of the details.
The sketch that I inked on top of, but I fleshed it out after deciding on this composition after thumbnailing. I didn't go into lots of details there, such as all the various markings on the jewelry or pillars, as I usually don't do that until I start inking. The alien face is the exception, it took me a little longer to decide upon, hence its crispness!
Finally a quick shot of the finished poster at the exhibition.
Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Digital illustration, part of an exhibiton on the theme "aliens"
