Francesco Valletta 님의 프로필

Imago Mundi Untitled, 2015

My work for Imago Mundi

Imago Mundi is the collection of works commissioned and collected by Luciano Benetton on his travels around the world, involving, on a voluntary and non-profit basis, established and emerging artists from many different countries. Each of them has created a work whose only restriction is its 10x12 cm format, contributing to the creation of a remarkable artistic geography.

The collection, under the auspices of the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche (established upon the wishes of the Benetton family to support and raise awareness of the wealth of landscape, cultural and artistic heritage), has no commercial ambitions, but aims to unite the diversities of our world in the name of common artistic experience. The goal is to catalogue works, inspirations and ideas, in order to pass down to future generations the widest possible mapping of the situation of human cultures at the start of the third millennium.

Exhibited at
Title: Untitled
Author: Francesco Valletta
Year: 2015
Materials: Acrylic spray paint, glue, tin, fire
Collection: Campania: Doni

“This research takes place in the context of an abstract language, absolutely distant from figurativism even in the title. The fire has an almost metaphorical, primordial value, the fire is life that marks and degrades the canvas. With the burning of paints you create an infinite of color contrasts, an extremely dramatic abstract space, where each viewer can make a personal and instinctive hypnotic journey. This generating a further artistic process”.

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Imago Mundi Untitled, 2015

Imago Mundi Untitled, 2015

“This research takes place in the context of an abstract language, absolutely distant from figurativism even in the title. The fire has an almost 자세히 보기
