Annah Moondie 님의 프로필

Dream Uncovered: Policeman lycantrope

DREAM UNCOVERED - policeman lycantrope 
DREAM UNCOVERED - policeman lycantrope 

For the life of me I still can't remember what I dreamed about last night. 
So, here's the deal: if I'm going to be persistent with this #illustrateddreamsdiarything and make it to the end, I need to keep the flow, post a dream a day and not break the chain, no matter what. 

That's why I've decided that on the days that I don't remember what I dreamed about, I'll draw somebody else's dream instead. It could be my neighbour's dream, the pastry guy's from the shop down the street, or whoever I find the courage to ask about it. Huh… that's not an easy task for me. 
I'm sooo embarased to ask. 

So, being this the first try, for today I'll just do this: 
I'm in a nearby police station. I come here often to report on my neighbors. Most of the time, there's this handsome policeman at the reception. But he never gives me the time of day, he prefers swapping jokes with his buddies. 

I'm thinking I should ask him about his dream. But I already know I won't. 
Also, he looks like he could turn into werewolf at any second, which makes me think. 
Do werewolves dream? Do animals in general?

Dream Uncovered: Policeman lycantrope