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Ovvio Oils Concept Packaging Re-Design

Ovvio Oils
Packaging Redesign Concept

Ovvio Oils is a brand of essential oils that provides natural remedies for many ailments such as stress, fatigue, nausea and more. The packaging is based on the history of essential oils, looking back to botany. To express this, included are hand-drawn botanical illustrations. The illustrations include images of both the recognizable flora as well as where the oil comes from. In this instance, the geranium oil comes from the leaves of the plant, and the lemon oil comes from the peel of the fruit. The inside of the packaging takes into account the botanical theme; the geometric design shown when the bottles are taken out is based off of the intricate ceilings of greenhouses. An informational card that the consumer can easily take out to read is included, explaining the health benefits of the oils.
Ovvio Oils Concept Packaging Re-Design
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