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Template ruler «BUKVA»

Growing more and more confident, the pace of interest to letters and fonts to explain very simply — they are everywhere. On the covers of magazines and Newspapers, in books, on the screens of smartphones and computers, and, of course, in all sorts of posters and logos that surround modern man almost everywhere. What is behind these letters as they are created, who does it and how to learn it yourself, ask yourself not everyone. But if a person is able to see the beauty of the letters in its ambient noise of the information and wants to understand how a limited set of elements, you can create any letter of the whole alphabet, this project is created for him.

In school we were taught to draw with a ruler and write the letters in words, where we are hard-copied every squiggle and dreamed about a special tool that will help to create out of nothing a beautiful letter. But such a device no one had. As children, we drew circles and triangles, accidentally found in a closet the officers ‘ line, was one entire picture-messages, but nice letters are so missed this news. Now even a child will be able to make a truly elegant letters of the individual elements and, perhaps, to indulge in the mysterious world of fonts and typography.

«BUKVA» — the tool for creating the Cyrillic letters, which will allow you to plunge into the process of drafting the familiar characters of the individual parts, simultaneously studying the anatomy of the Cyrillic alphabet. The fixture is a transparent plate with slotted elements of letters, each of which has its own room with instructions anyone can understand, how to write a particular letter.The basis of the model formed as if created specifically for easy and elegant headersin poster Bodoni font, but limit them to one does not seem to us possible. Create a series of these character lines, which will give to the uninitiated in the subtleties of typography users an idea not only about the structure and anatomy of each individual font,but also about their differences from each other and separation applications is the ultimate goal of this project. Expanding the boundaries of character creation, this tool at the same time will be able to tell investigators about the magic of typography.

What is included in the project:
1. TEMPLATE RULER — 3 pieces (size: length — 19.5 cm, width — 27.5 cm)
2. Three posters — Create your letter No. 1. Create your letter No. 2. Design your poster.
3. The instructions for use
Template ruler «BUKVA»