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CashManager Accounting Software by Accomplish

CashManager are a small-business accounting software firm who have been in the New Zealand market for over 20 years. With their industry becoming more crowded and more competitive, they needed to take action. CashManager needed to reinvent themselves in a way that would appeal to potential customers while making sure they were able to get the most out of the resources they had at their disposal.
Having been in the industry for so long, CashManager had grown and developed through sound business values and providing excellent customer support. However, their outward-facing brand hadn’t kept up, becoming tired and stale. 

We aimed our strategy at brand development – we sat down with them and went through a number of workshops to tease out the values and priorities that underpin their brand. We then did research on their competitors to help create a brand that was unique and distinct in the marketplace.
The result was a new name for their business – CashManager.

From there, we developed their new visual identity and applied it across all brand touchpoints. This included their website, business cards and print collateral, email templates, and signage that made them stand out from the crowd.
We saw the CashManager website as an opportunity for the business to create a support hub for their existing users rather than simply using it as a lead generation tool. We replatformed and restructured the website to achieve this, using the new name and brand colours.
The website was built with an eye to the future – it can easily be scaled up with further scope for automation. This future-proofing was a key part of the strategy around the growth of the brand.
We also developed additional features for their existing CRM to enable better integration with the new site. This automated a number of previously manual processes, empowering CashManager staff to be more efficient in their work and more productive when serving their customers and targeting potential clients.

CashManager Accounting Software by Accomplish

CashManager Accounting Software by Accomplish
