Profiel van Cristina Bellido

Petit Comité Restaurant

PETIT COMITÉ    Zaragoza, Spain
Coordinated the renovation process and design concept of two-level restaurant.

The restaurant is located in a well-known city square in Zaragoza, Spain. The square welcomes large crowds and is a valued spot in the hospitality industry.

The aim of the project was to increase the visibility of the restaurant from the street, amplify the seating area and remodel the interiors by updating the finishes and furniture.

The street-level space had the main eating area, bar and kitchen. The floor below had a private eating area, bathrooms, an office and a storage room.

The industrial space theme was achieved by emphasizing basic architectural materials like brick, concrete, iron and wood. This gave the restaurant an aspect of being a an Antiquated store with unique furniture pieces. Some actual antiques and restored pieces.

To continue with the theme, the countertop of the bar was built like a retaining wall, using reinforced concrete. The Entryway was covered with recycled bricks from an old church and bits from small villas nearby.

Participated in the marketing, updating and launching of new offers and restaurant products. The locale increased sales by 100% after completion of the remodeling and product change.
Petit Comité Restaurant

Petit Comité Restaurant
