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Sony Technocity - Sapporo, Japan

In a current society ruled by money and those who own it, the war between multinational companies is raging. Sony, the instigator firm of the technological development in Japan, is barely going out of a restructuration period and is seeking to become competitive again in her country.
Place : city-center of Sapporo, capital of Hokkaido prefecture, Northern Japan
Mean : The Sony Center. As a building dedicated to the company researches, experiments and exhibition, the Sony Center is integrated to the city frame. It connects two major places of the town : the train station and the Odori Park. The Sony Center is divided into four different parts (Playstation, Sony Music, Sony Pictures and a Philarmonie) linked by sprawling circulations.
On the other hand, the under face of the building is a huge free space for exhibitions where the brand can show the new technologies it develops.
Sony even 3D-printed a model of his new center!
Sony Technocity - Sapporo, Japan

Sony Technocity - Sapporo, Japan

In a current (present-day) society ruled by money and those who own it, the war between multinational companies is raging. Sony, the instigator f Read More
