Bitcoin Concept

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B I T C O I N   C O N C E P T  2017

Our studio decided to make a concept for Bitcoin — the most popular cryptocurrency in the World. This is the first decentralized digital currency ever, so we decided to build up its identity
from scratch, from logotype up to unique futuristic ATMs. 

We imagined Bitcoin as a dynamic abstract substance that kind of absorbs energy and resources,
a lot like a black hole It absorbs whole economic structure, dragging everything on its path: dollars, euros and other currencies, making them its small particles. That whole concept of infinite space and web led us to the idea of Bitcoin as a dynamic system of particles that is in constant dynamic. This is the concept we went with in this project. 

What we wanted to focus on are these futuristic items that we would expect to see in the future,
like holographic watches or smart ATMs. 

Want a design just as cool? 
Logomachine will create a perfect logo in 21 days or you will get it for free.

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Bitcoin Concept

Bitcoin Concept

Our studio decided to make a concept for Bitcoin — the most popular cryptocurrency in the World. This is the first decentralized digital currency Læs mere
