Water for India is an international education program. We were challenged to create a campaign which would teach children the values of cleanliness, respect, education and quality of life.
University of Hartford Engineering students had collaborated with Engineers Without Borders to design and build a self-sustainable solar panel water system in the underdeveloped town of Abheypur, India. There was a need of communication to educate about this new product and essentially a new way of living. The language barrier built the need for a visual solution.
Hartford Art School designers created a visual campaign consisting of posters, a mural, handouts and other materials. I developed the character "Droppy" to model what was proper behavior and usage for the new water tanks. Using two holy symbols in the Indian culture - water & the lotus - I produced the logo combining the two, representing the water droplets as the lotus petals. Our team continued the theme of respect through to the final products & added in other sacred figures to each poster. A portion of the team traveled to Abheypur in January 2009 to bring the project to life.
Check out the campaign at www.DesignGlobalChange.org.

* Awarded 3rd place in AIGA's 2009 ReDesign Awards in the Student Social Responsibility category.
Water for India

Water for India

Water for India is an international educational program. We were challenged to create a campaign which would teach impoverished children the valu Mehr anzeigen

