Wine cellar
Team: Vasyliev Evgen, Kuzmenko Andrii
Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
Project area: 180 sq.m.
Project Year: 2015
Wine cellar. The design was carried out on an already built-up area, which influenced the project. The goal was to achieve the feeling that the shape emerges from the ground, so the exterior of the cellar is finished with natural motifs: a green roof and burnt wood in the color of the earth.
The building consists of two parts: an external and an underground block. The external block serves as a shaded canopy.
The underground part is for storing fruits and wines. The temperature regime in the cellar is maintained by the "Canadian well" technology. The ventilation system consumes nothing. Fresh air enters the cellar through pipes located below the ground freezing area and maintains the necessary temperature regime.
The underground part is for storing fruits and wines. The temperature regime in the cellar is maintained by the "Canadian well" technology. The ventilation system consumes nothing. Fresh air enters the cellar through pipes located below the ground freezing area and maintains the necessary temperature regime.
The building's console is made of metal. The length of the structure is 13 meters. Construction materials: rubble stone, wood, and metal.

Wine cellar