Morgan Stanley - Rebrand Campaign

Steve Mottershead the Creative Director of Artjail was approached by the Martin Agency very early on. Steve and the team at Artjail helped the creatives sell the idea to the client by doing a mood edit. It created a lot of excitement about the possibilities for the film portion of the campaign.

There are a total of seven web films that make up the motion portion of the rebrand campaign.

The mood edit and Post Production was completed at Artjail. Eron Otcasek cut all the spots while Mark French and Steve were the lead Flame Artists where we completed all the comps and Color Grade. Senior Designer Kiffer Keegan led the design discovery in After Effects that Mark and I used as inspiration for the final pieces.

We worked off of the amazing still work conceived by Associate Art Director D’Arcy O’neil and photographed by famed photographer Nadav Kander. It was a great place to start. But we needed to translate it into motion.

Steve used the Mood edit as a loose shooting board. "I like to leave an element of discovery when on set. There is always a plan in place for sure but personally I am so curious visually that we always plan for some wild shooting." -Steve Artjail CD.

We did a total of Ten Shoot days, three days in studio in NY and LA. The rest of the shoot days consisted of more or less a guerilla crew other than the aerial day in San Francisco. In the studio we shoot the talent against a White Cyc giving us the human element of the industry composites. DP Adam Marsden was great at sculpting and animating the in camera lighting to help attain a revealing effect for the eventual organic comps. On location Adam and Steve each had a camera, a Red Epic and Scarlet, where they basically just found and shot as much as they could.

Agency - The Martin Agency
ECD - Joe Alexander
CD - Alon Shoval
ACD - D'Arcy O'neill
Senior Copywriter - Neel Williams
Producer - Chrissy Gilmartin
Production Co. - Breed
Director - Steve Mottershead
Breed EP - Zak Thornborough
Breed EP - Rich Rama
DP - Adam Marsden
Line Producer - Matt Slater
Edit / Visual Effects / Color - Artjail
Artjail EP - Leslie McCartney
Producer - Allison Pickard
Editor - Eron Otcasek
Lead Designer: Kiffer Keegan
Lead Animator: Kiffer Keegan
Lead Flame Artists: Steve Mottershead, Mark French
Colorist: Steve Mottershead
Flame Artists: Lee Towndrow & Aniello Zampella
Additional Editor: Roberto Serrini
Assistants: Matt Jacob & Beau Dickson
Music and Sound Design: Antfood
Audio Post: Antfood
Antfood Creative Director: Wilson Brown
Antfood Executive Producer: Sean McGovern
Composer: Alan Markley
Sound Designer: Charlie Van Kirk
Assistant Producer: Andrea Ryan
Mixer: Wilson Brown
Morgan Stanley