Evan Holley 님의 프로필

Graybar Lighting Email Campaign

1. Do This One Thing to Save on Office Expenses
Running an office is costly. Everything from pens and pencils to people and property adds up. However, one particular expense really hits hard.

Energy costs make up around 29% of an office’s annual spending on average. Lighting accounts for a large portion of this cost. 

One of the single most effective things you can do to lower your building’s energy costs is make the switch to LED lighting. 

Here’s a quick video detailing the benefits of flipping the switch on LED.

2. Is it 5:00 Yet?

Is it 5:00 yet? Honestly, even 4:30…

We’ve all had those days. Mentally drained and out of it. Staring at the computer screen getting nothing done at all. Unproductive.

Did you know that the lighting in your office could be to blame for this drowsy, lethargic atmosphere?

You already know about the cost and energy savings of LED lighting. However, the benefits don’t end there. LED lighting has been proven to boost productivity within organizations while also increasing safety and minimizing erros. Whoops! Errors. (Sorry, the fluorescent lights were flickering.)

Snap out of it! Download our brochure that brings to light all the benefits of LED.

3. What is a Foot Candle?
Do you know what LED stands for? How about LPW? RBG? SSL? What about LLC? (Hint: it’s not Limited Liability Corporation.)

If you have no idea what these acronyms mean, you’re not alone. Installing a new lighting system can be daunting. The complicated and extensive terminology doesn’t help. Gaining a better understanding of what LED lighting is and how it works will help you determine if making the switch makes sense for you.

One way to accomplish this is to learn the meaning of the common terms and acronyms that get thrown around in a conversation about LED and lighting in general. 

Let Graybar help you become a lighting encyclopedia with our Quickstart Guide to LED Terms.
p.s. – foot candles will not burn your feet.

4. Open This If You Don’t Care About Saving Money

We know what you’re thinking. You get it, LED lights save money. They’re energy efficient. They last forever. You’ve heard it a hundred times. 

But did you know there are more than just those worn-out reasons why you should switch to LED?

LED lighting can boost productivity and increase safety in the workplace. Modern lighting solutions also add an air of prestige to your space. 

Find out more about the not-so-boring reasons to make the switch to LED here.
Graybar Lighting Email Campaign

Graybar Lighting Email Campaign

An email nurture path supporting a larger campaign surrounding Graybar's latest lighting initiative.


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