Schweppes Spritz
"Terms & Conditions" Launch Campaign for Schweppes Spritz


Our mission was to launch Schweppes Spritz, a selective new drink aimed at bars & restaurants. 
Following the brand strategy, we wanted to make our future drinkers feel part of a special social group.

So we launched Schweppes Spritz as the first drink served with Terms &Conditions.
We filled the document with light hearted and insightful articles about going out and life after work. 
The Terms &Conditions stood as basis for the launch campaign.

Sign the Terms &Conditions to taste the new Schweppes Spritz.*
*You’d better read it first.


Agency: McCann Erickson Romania
Art Director: Lia Bira
Copywriter: Alexandru Vasile
Photographer: Ciprian Țânțăreanu
Stylist: Adelina Țânțăreanu
Retoucher: Alexandru Tudoran



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