Profiel van Luke Parry

Manchester Kite Festival


Design the identity for Manchester Kite Festival.


Kites are simply flying shapes, therefore I wanted the logo to be just as simple as a kite, and using 6 triangles, I formed an 'M' and a 'K'. 

My next step was to make the logo feel like a kite, it had to have motion. The setting up and putting away of kites involves a lot of folding, and with this in mind I came up with the idea of the logo folding, and in turn this could change the shape of the logo to form popular kite shapes. I wanted this motion of folding to flow throughout the brand.

The website uses the folding technique to change web pages. When purchasing tickets, the tickets fold and change depending on the amount of attendants.

For the leaflet ('flyer'), the idea was to give them a leaflet that not only informs them, but can be folded out and used as a simple kite, which led to some clever word play.

The posters however do not have the folding technique incorporated in them, my idea for them was a sort of gorilla marketing approach. I made the posters really long so when the audience are walking by, they have to literally look up to see the full poster, giving the impression that the logo is in the sky. This led to more clever word play with 'look up', linking to searching for the festival online, and actually looking up to see the logo.
Manchester Kite Festival

Manchester Kite Festival
