Profil von Michael Calleia

Bacardi Mojito banner gadget

This 2008 OMMA award-winning banner gadget delivered a dynamic, fully integrated, cross-site experience to users from within an ad unit. When users engaged with content in one of the Evite (host a mojito party) or Citysearch (find the best mojito in your area) tabs, they were sent to those sites, where the landing page was roadblocked with Bacardi Mojito branding. On Evite, users could create Bacardi branded invitations to invite friends to their party, further spreading the word about the original Bacardi Mojito.
The bellow custom-branded Evite invitations for Bacardi Mojito are a great example of integrated content used in banner gadgets. Users could access the invitations from the Bacardi Mojito banner gadget or from a “Mojito Party” custom category on Evite.
Not only did the banner gadgets make use of distributed integrated content and functionality across multiple sites, creating a more powerful experience for the user, but there was a 2.5 times higher click-through rate on roadblock banners when a user arrived on the page via a banner gadget.
Bacardi Mojito banner gadget

Bacardi Mojito banner gadget

To help Bacardi promote "the original Bacardi Mojito," and make it top-of-mind with consumers during the summer party season, my team leveraged E Mehr anzeigen
