
For this project, we were tasked with the creation of a dingbat in preparation for creating our logos. To start, we were to choose an animal and emotion and somehow make the animal display that emotion in a limited space. The purpose of this is to be able to creatively use space so that it expresses as much as possible.

To begin, I roughly sketched many animals with different expressions as both practice and getting down as many ideas as possible. 

After this, I picked my top 6 and did thumbnails of them to see how they would look like in the designated format.
After having the ideas approved, I did many roughs of the chosen animal. In this case, I tried both the snail and the rhino, but in the end I went with the rhino as it was more appealing to me.
After the image was finalized, I had it printed in the right size along with two smaller versions and mounted it on a board.
This project was not only fun, but it helped prepare us for the very next project. I feel that if not for this project, I would have struggled a lot more on the Logo assignment. The usage of both positive and negative space really helped my understanding of filling out designated spaces. 

If i were to do this project again, I would probably show the rhino in a better position. Having only the head kind of makes for a slightly boring picture.
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