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C&H Pop-Up Wedding Invitation

Grafisk design
C & H   P O P - U P   W E D D I N G   I N V I T A T I O N

When the pop-up wedding invitation is laid in the envelope, the portraits of the bride and the groom will show in both sides of the card. Once it is folded into a paper cube, it turns out to be several pieces of hollowed-out layers. Seeing through from two sides of the card respectively, it presents the memories of the bride and the groom - from the past til the future. With the hollowed heart-shape in the middle as a crosspoint, the two meet each other from their own world.


T H A N K   Y O U  :-]

2018 Red Dot Award: Communication Design - Winner
C&H Pop-Up Wedding Invitation

C&H Pop-Up Wedding Invitation
