A 31 day challenge of words and illustration.
Day 1: Food... and some song lyrics
Day 2: Motion
A fleeting escape from the unavoidable --

Day 3: Explosion
Day 4: Floral
Feelings that are rooted for good or for worst?

Day 5: Kaleidoscope
It's all in the eyes -- your eyes.

Day 6: Steampunk
Cold as steel
Just like your heart.

Day 7: Sea
Where can you find the void in your own vastness?

Day 8: Philia
What does I love that never leave?

Day 9 to 12
Owning a skin.

Day 13: Void

Day 14: Flaws

Day 15 to 21
Mixed emotions .

Day 22: Vibrant
In that blackest night I met the most twinkling eye that changed my life.

Day 30: Life
We bloom in the countless deaths.

Day 31: Death
"I love you"
It was those words that struck me to my own quick demise.

Thank you for viewing and don't forget to hit that appreciation button! 


31 day challenge A spinoff of InkTober
