Idea Generation

This project encourages the designer to visualize and generate ideas/think out of the box and create graphics /symbolic forms /icons. These icons and visual maps can further be converted into effective and creative graphic communication which could inform, persuade, convey meaning, enhance recognition, and establish identity.

To begin with choose an object of my choice. I chose Orange, try to play with it in various idea generating techniques such as Lateral Thinking. 

Orange is fruit when we consume it we feel energized, like we can fly on sky.  With this Idea I create an icon of an orange having wings. I named it Fly High. 
The designed icon I developed through Lateral Thinking Techniques was suitable for promoting any of energy drink, juice and soft drinks.

The combination of black and white colour and round font perfectly blended with Icon. I used my final Icon in Orange Juice Tetra pack.
Idea Generation

Idea Generation
