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Guide to Planning a Conference

Business conferences can be very useful events. However, when it comes to organising one from scratch – there are a number of different things that you will have to consider. There are the important aspects of planning the conference, but there are also a lot of smaller things which you will need to take care of too. To ensure you are able to plan a conference to a high standard without missing any important points, take a look at the points below.

Create a Business Plan
If you are not in the position where you can afford for you’re the funds to come from your own businesses revenue, then you will need to plan where the money for holding the conference will come from. Therefore, you will have to create a business plan for the conference to give to any potential investors of the business. This should include the itinerary of the conference as well as how you will make profit from the event.

Compare Venues
Once you have an idea of the location for the event and the number of people you will invite, the next step is to find an appropriate venue. In the big cities, there will be a number of great venues and whether you’re looking for Liverpool or Manchester conference venues, there will be somewhere that will suit you needs. The main thing to check is whether catering is offered as part of the service, and if there are any additional costs for using any of their electronic supplies.

Manage Exhibitions
Often, one of the best ways can make money is by selling exhibition spaces to companies which allow them to showcase their products/services. Once the spaces are sold, it is important that you adequately mange the space where the exhibitions are taking place. On the day of the conference, you should set a meeting spot for all the businesses who are holding exhibitions and then clearly outline in the space who will be in what spot.

If you are holding a large conference, there will be lots of overheads to deal with – so it is important that you can sell all the available spaces for the event. Therefore, you will need to adequately promote the event to potential businesses who may be interested in attending the conference. This can be done by emailing or phoning all businesses you feel would be interested in attending, and sending them a formal invite to the conference.
Guide to Planning a Conference

Guide to Planning a Conference

