Hanno van Zyls profilAdam Hills profil

Media party Africa

Media Party Africa

In collaboration with: Adam Hill

Media Party Africa is an annual media and technology conference that celebrates innovation and disruption. We were tasked to design a visual identity for the overall conference as well as the identity, website and physical branding for the debut event. The theme of 2016 conference was Disruption, democracies and digital media. We attempted to capture the sardonic tone and cynical character of online culture within the aesthetic language of conference design. Making use of memes, cat photos and references to outdated tech, we could poke fun at the conference itself, thereby disrupting it and hopefully winning the trust of its critical and interrogative attendees.


Identity design
Website design
Wayfinding design
On site branding design
Social media elements
Uniform design


Designed in collaboration with: Adam Hill
Event photography by: Andy Lund
Production by: Savannah Sefor
Media party Africa

Media party Africa

Identity design for Media Party Africa technology conference
