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courtship. concert poster

A mock-up concert poster concept done for one of my favourite bands. 
courtship., an indie duo band from L.A., released a total of four disco-tinged pop singles so far. Their songs are written for the self-conscious youths, who have encountered anxiety at some point of their lives.

When all four posters are joined together, the band’s logo is formed. The flow of the four singles' mixed-up lyrics is also completed. The element of reflection was inspired by humans’ desire for happiness -
We are all same same, but different.

Are youths forgetting to live young, wild, and free because of life stresses?
The overall look shows simplicity, based on the band’s belief that happiness is peace and freedom. The stress youths are saddled with stems from caring too much about societal expectations and the seek for material gains to represent status and success.

Youths are dying to scream out,We’ve had enough. Let us live.
With courtship. emphasising heavily on leaving the interpretation of songs up to individual fans, the lyrics of all four singles have been mixed up to show the flexibility of feeling and understanding the music.

This power given to the listeners reflects the growing attention towards the value of freedom and letting go. As seen in a recent interview with Google executive Mo Gawdat, the algorithm for happiness is simply your power to decide what you think the world gives you.
The night is known to be when we are most comfortable, for that is when no one is judging. It is also the perfect moment to  elope and leave everything behind.

The contrast of yellow against black develops an extreme brilliance and aggressive quality of expressing the sunshine-soaked glimpse of hope amidst the darkness. As yellow is also the band’s representative color, it is most recognisable to fans.
courtship. concert poster

courtship. concert poster

A mock-up of courtship. concert poster
