I was very excited to create a series of characters for Vancouver's PlayLand. They asked me to create a series of human organ characters. Each one in a state of distress due to the crazy rides at Playland. I'm really happy with the end result, and I'm just sad that I won't get to see them up around the city in person (living a few time zones away, and all)
I started with some super rough and simple sketches to get a sense of where they wanted to go. I tried out a variety of facial expressions and shapes, keeping everything very simplified and graphic
Finally, we honed in on a more 3/4 style angle, and began to narrow down the expressions. There would still be a lot of experimentation once I went to digital, but these fast and furious sketches helped us get to a good place quickly.
Once I started blocking out the shapes and colours in Illustrator, I still did a lot of back and forth to find the best proportions, expressions and shading. Some stuff worked right away, and other stuff didn't work at all!

