Alin Cincă's profile

Nu sînt deplin fericită, decît aici, în țara mea.

"Nu sînt deplin fericită decît aici, în țara mea", 2013-2016
/ “I am Not Entirely Happy Unless I am Here, In My Country”
by Nicoleta Moise

The book overlaps images reproduced with the phone, copied or scanned from one of the few magazines dedicated to women in Communist Romania: Femeia [The Women] (1935-1989), with images from different Spanish magazines: Bazar, Consigna, Medina, Teresa, Vértice (1936-1977), published under Sección Femenina - an official institution and Spanish fascist movement that was preoccupied with the domestic role of women to the public sphere. 
Work and sport. Disciplined bodies. Two parallel ideologies where the anonymous image of women is built by the regime.

first edition of 10 copies, May 2016
printed in Bucharest at Fabrik
softcover, 120 pages
198 x 280 mm 

author, concept & text: Nicoleta Moise
graphic design, editing & printing preparation: Alin Cincă
text: romanian, spanish, valencian, english
translation: Olalla Castro, Mar Reykjavik, Nicoleta Moise

Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles 2017 - shortlist

Nu sînt deplin fericită, decît aici, în țara mea.

Nu sînt deplin fericită, decît aici, în țara mea.
