Richelle Naidoo's profile

Amnesty International - Child Marriage

Radio Writing & Production
Amnesty International - Child Marriage
The Brief:
Create a persuasive radio campaign for Amnesty International, that brings awareness to this cause and persuades consumers to take action.

We tend to look away from the problem of child marriage because we think that we are unable to do anything to help these little girls.

I chose popular fairytales in which happy endings are expected, and twisted them to show the abhorrent realities of child marriage.

Production Style:
All scripts were read by one female voiceover.
The tone and language used in the scripts are similar to those used in fairytales.
The script was read as you would read a fairytale to a little child.
The sound effects at the start of the commercials lull you into a sense of safety, and suddenly you realise that this is not the familiar fairytale you loved as a child.
30" Radio Commercial : Snow White & Old Mr Grumpy
30" Radio Commercial : Goldilocks & Old Mr Bear
Promotional Sting
Top and Tail Billboard
SFX – sound effects
FVO – female voiceover
Bed – music played underneath a voiceover
(brackets) – describe the tone of voice, accent and other voice characteristics
Amnesty International - Child Marriage

Amnesty International - Child Marriage
