Sashimi Teflon
Photo by: Sarah Dorweiler
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)
Hunter's Requiem 
Photo by: Mona Eendra
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)
Chiastic memory blends
Photo by: Ali Inay
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)

Dark was the night
Drops of rain conjured strange vibe
Propelled the body, Intensified the beat
Clattered all they way, not missed any beat
and the night toppled into the light
Chiastic memory blends 
Photo by: Juan Di Nella
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)
Painters and Bards
Photo credit: Kari Shea
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)
Red cardinals were cooing everywhere like symphony of Mozart.
Everyone was gathering around the concrete gazebo with their exotic
feathered birds, while the traditional lunch was baked 
under the hot sand.

It was cold for the usual summer heat.
My Studio (Charcoal, portrait sketches)
Jazz & Vengeance of Baritones

A jazz musician resurrected from the abyss of dark underworld, 
once was known dead to the people. Back in the days everyone 
in the town knew that he have regular episodes of seizure. He was found 
dead and left everyone in misery, his performance for the historical event 
of the century was over. 

Town people mourned for his death and absolutely missed 
his masterful music. Whole town was unaware of the mystery 
behind his death which was an account of agony, gore and betrayal, 
deception by whom? 

With a blow of his magical baritone piercing like into the heart 
like a thin sword as he now possess the vexatious powers.
Legacy and beyond
18 x 19 in (Digital prints available)
23.4 x 33.1 in (Digital prints available)
Love + Free give aways
Life's Credence

Life's Credence

Acceptance of truth in events and ideas is main theme here. Some shorts back stories with paintings. Mixture of portraits and still life.
