SNT4 Design Logo & Brand Visual Identity

Brief: A third-year student assignment of finding multiple solutions to creating and running a business from scratch with a target profit margin to reach in order to pass and graduate.

Approach: Four graphic designer students and one visual artist student formed our collaborative team of five. We decided to create and run our own design agency to get as much real-world experience possible before graduating. We decided to compete against local competitors by lowering our rates and concentrate our target market on small-medium size businesses, especially start-up business. We voted in a director and assigned multiple roles and responsibilities among each other. Once the foundation was set, we designed our own brand visual identity, which we then used to advertise ourselves, traffic clients to consult with us and contracted ourselves to work for them while we were operating throughout the year.

Result: As a team, we successfully completed enough work problem-solving design solutions for our client's business needs, exceed the target profit margin and graduated.

SNT4 Design Logo & Brand Visual Identity

SNT4 Design Logo & Brand Visual Identity

In 2016 a group of third year graphic designen/visual artist students and I collaborated together to run a creative agency firm for one entire ye Read More
