Profil von Rachel Baacke

The Many Sad Faces of Mr. Toledano

An Op-Ed piece entitled “The Many Sad Fates of Mr.Toledano” follows the story of a photographer obsessed with what directions his life might take. He was particularly interested in recreating and photographing the unfortunate or gloomy fates. Although it worried family and friends, exploring these fates allowed him to move past his worries and apprehensions. He essentially "turned the page" on those many sad faces.

As an illustration that has to be understood by a wide audience, the metaphor has to be familiar enough to be easily understood, but not so overly-familiar to the extent of being boring or cliché.

It was an interesting challenge to try and utilize this style of illustration’s subtleties to create a cast a faces that is similar enough to be variations of the same person, yet still imply individual stories. Being restricted to working in only black and white was also a challenge. 

The Many Sad Faces of Mr. Toledano

The Many Sad Faces of Mr. Toledano
