Profiel van José Carlos Gutiérrez Orrillo

LIF Bench - Reclaimed Wood Bench

Reclaimed Wood Bench
Design Project
Esp. LIF Bench es un mobiliario para parques con diferentes alturas para transeúntes, compuesto de un cuerpo de tubos redondos y secciones de madera recuperada y habilitada. La particularidad de la banca radica en que sus secciones sirven para que la madera recuperada, dependiendo de sus dimensiones, pueda ser habilitada para formar diferentes superficies como los asientos y el respaldar.
Eng. LIF Bench is a furniture for parks with different heights for pedestrians, composed of a body of round tubes and sections of reclaimed wood. The particularity of the bench lies in that its sections serve so that the recovered wood, depending on its dimensions, can be enabled to form different surfaces like the seats and backrest.
Esp. La unión de la madera recuperada se hace a través de la habilitación de listones de madera de 2 cm de espesor, que posteriormente se pasa a encolar y prensar. Una vez generada el tablero de diferentes maderas, se pasa a darles forma para su encaje.

Eng. The joining of the reclaimed wood is made through the enablement of wooden slats 2 cm thick, which is then passed to glue and press. Once the board of different woods is generated, it is given to shape them to fit it.
LIF Bench - Reclaimed Wood Bench

LIF Bench - Reclaimed Wood Bench

LIF Bench is a furniture for parks with different heights for pedestrians, composed of a body of round tubes and sections of recovered wood.
