Big fire in Callao
A plastic factory made ashes on Monday 12th in block 5 of Bertello Avenue, Callao, Perú. This factory was next to other large factories, crossing neighborhoods, a gas station and a municipal school, and a few blocks from the main airport of Peru. Fortunately there were no human balances, only materials, but 6 days after the fire still we breath polluted air due to the plastic and other quimic materials that sometimes get on fire again. This is the view of the fire from my house.
The fire started around 8pm with a big explosion. 
A large cloud of black smoke soon covered the sky.
The fire came very high and we could feel the heat from our houses.
About 300 firefighters came immediately, also police and ambulances.
The neighbors were vigilant in case the fire spread to the street of the front.
The factories are located crossing a municipal school for talented students from Callao. The classes had to be cancelled for a week due to the polluted air and the danger of a new fire.
Many families evacuated inmediatly in case the fire got to the gas station.
Around midnight the fire was controlled but still on.
As soon the fire started, workers of the factories tryed to save most of the products they could .
Picture taken the next day at 13:47hrs. The fire was still on. The neighborhoods around were without electricity for 3 days.
Picture taken after 6 days. Smoke continues from factories and covers surrounding neighborhoods. This is how the block looks like now.
Big fire in Callao


Big fire in Callao

Big fire happened in a plastic factory of Callao, Peru. I live half block from the factory, this was my view that night.
