Gurkoz Productions v2.0 website (1998-2000)

This was a bit more structured and coherent than the previous version. The blue-white theme was created and lasted for quite some time after this. The contents had been expanded and now included both information about gurkoz and the profile itself. The graphical focus was on the menu that was the result of a complex Photoshop project.

Experimented with some different names and thought at the time that “Creative Minds” was appealing. The whole thing would later prove to be less appropriate, because the name was already associated with thousands of other businesses. A logo for “GurkoZ Productions” had not yet been determined, but early tests with a hand holding a brain was in the works.

Also began working on a mascot that would bring something extra to the table. Ended up with a frog-like creature who would be called “Gnurk”. A gallery was also available, sightly meticulous and difficult to navigate.
Gurkoz Productions v2.0

Gurkoz Productions v2.0
