This website is essentially built like a game which sells travel packages for interesting and unknown travel spots. This idea is inspired by the "wanderlust" trend among millennials. It plays off curiosity and popular travel trends amongst young people. 

1.) The first page to the site is a welcome page, introducing what the site is and the aesthetic. I wanted the asethetic of the website to be clean, minimal, mysterious and trendy. I felt this aesthetic would best attract the target audience. 

2.) This is the homepage of the website. As you hover your mouse around the page, a hidden map is revealed. On the hidden map each blinking dot represents a hidden travel spot somewhere in the world. The catch is, each red blink dot dissapears and reappars at random times. So you may not be able to find it again if you click onto something else. The point of this is to adds a level of attraction, urgency to click red dots. 

3.) Once you click on a red dot, it directs the user to a page with an image slider, description of the trip and pricing info. On this page you can purchase tickets to the trip, or you can put your email in to reviece notification updates about the trip. However, in 10 minutes the information about the trip fades away and the page becomes blank. If you don't add your email or purchase tickets within the allotted time frame, you may not be able to find it again. This again makes the trip seem special or rare, ergo desirable. This can also help with sales because it puts pressure on the user to either impulse buy the trip, or it also allows agency salespeople more time to try and sell the trip to the user via email. 
Secret Map
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Secret Map

This website is essentially built like a game which sells travel packages for interesting and unknown travel spots. This idea is inspired by the Lire la suite

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