Profil appartenant à José Carlos Gutiérrez Orrillo

H-Drill - Ergonomical Multi-posture Drill

Ergonomical Multi-posture Drill
Design Proyect
Esp. H- Drill es un taladro percutor y atornillador diseñado para personas con dificultades para mover las manos y muñecas. Este aparato busca brindar mayor comodidad de uso a personas en general, en especial a aquellos usuarios con poca movilidad en el brazo.

Eng. H-Drill is a hammer drill and screwdriver designed for people with difficulty moving their hands and wrists. This device seeks to offer greater comfort of use to people in general, especially to those users with low mobility in the arm.
Esp. El proceso comenzó estudiando las posturas ergonómicas adecuadas y la comodidad en el uso del taladro a través de prototipos no funcionales. Se estudió también la manera de ensamble del cuerpo, mango y colector de polvo.

Eng. The process began by studying the suitable ergonomic postures and comfort in using the drill through non-functional prototypes. The way of assembly of the body, handle and dust collector was also studied.
Esp. Una vez diseñado el cuerpo del taladro y los accesorios, se añadieron los componentes internos (chuck, motor, botón y switch de marcha) con sus anclajes. Asimismo, se realizó una debida distribución del sistema eléctrico.

Eng. Once the drill body and accessories were designed, the internal components (chuck, motor, button and gear switch) were added with their respective anchorages. Also, a proper distribution of the electrical system was made.
Fully Functional  Prototype
H-Drill - Ergonomical Multi-posture Drill
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H-Drill - Ergonomical Multi-posture Drill

H-Drill is a hammer drill and screwdriver designed for people with difficulty moving their hands and wrists, using proper ergonomic postures.

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