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Three Great Places to Stargaze in New York

Westbury, NY-resident Valerie Varnuska enjoys a range of pursuits in her free time, including anything to do with engineering and astronomy. In her spare time, Valerie Varnuska enjoys star gazing. Here are three of the best places to see the stars in New York.

1. Columbia University. Every Friday during the academic year, Columbia University offers free lectures to the public on the subject of astronomy. Stargazers have the opportunity to learn more about space before going up onto the roof of the university to peer through its range of powerful telescopes, which can show the rings of Saturn in detail.

2. The Highline. A public park in Manhattan, the Highline contains telescopes installed by the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York. Head to the park on a Tuesday between April 5th and October 25th to see the stars in all of their mystery.

3. Inwood Hill Park. Also in Manhattan, Inwood Hill Park is dark and quiet, which makes it perfect for stargazing. Head down on the first and third Fridays of each month to meet fellow stargazers and take part in a star party.
Three Great Places to Stargaze in New York

Three Great Places to Stargaze in New York
