iMovie Intro Assignment: My video expresses major depression caused from griefing of a deceased love one. I had to input 2 of my favorite spots into the video, so I filmed me walking in the front pathway of my house, when it was raining to express that the girl wasn’t in the right state of mind and is unsure why she’s there in a unfamiliar pathway. But her senses suggest to walk forward. Then I filmed me walking towards my house and a flash shows me waking up and looking around my room. This is to show that the girl came across a house and is suddenly inside, looking around, to express that she’s afraid and unsure why and how she got inside. The she got curious, she goes to explore the dark halls outside the room. She looks through each room to find something, but she is unsure why. Each time she looks away a door slams, creating confusion and fear that there’s something in the halls with her. Then she comes across a familiar little girl ghost or monster that chases her towards the room again. With the creature scratching at the doors the girl shakes in fear and faints to the ground, with the camera zooming her (my) face. And it ends with her suddenly in the same pathway, but this time without the rain. But in reality there’s no monster, and there’s no house. The whole thing was a delusion and hallucination in the girl’s mind. With her appearing in the house represents the start of her hallucination, that she’s in an unfamiliar house when it’s actually her own. The dark hallway represents the girl’s state of mind, how it’s all just black and white with no joy in her life. And the supernatural happenings and the little girl were monsters she made up to punish herself because of her grief of her sister’s passing. This shows that the girl can’t move on and blames herself for the tragic event, being stuck in severe depression. Of course a hallucination does end, so at the end of the video. The girl wakes up and sees that she was in the pathway the whole time and hallucinated the terrible nightmare.
A.K.A there were fast shots of the girl in reality wanting to cut herself with the box cutter, and this is to express that she is suicidal
Music: I used the soundtrack, Colourless Aura by Kevin Macleod to create a monotone and depressing atmosphere to match the girl’s mood and mind. Then I added a creepy soundtrack from the Anime Mirai Nikki to change the sad atmosphere to a creepy one. Suddenly I mixed in another heart racing soundtrack (sorry forgot the name) to express that things took a dangerous and terrifying turn. All matches the girl’s head and mood.

Planning of the filming and effects. 
Going Mad?

Going Mad?
