Profil von Anupama Nalinakshan

From the Journal: A self-imposed sketching challenge

I decided to give myself a daily drawing challenge for a few weeks and would upload a sketch every weekday on Instagram. The catch - Absolutely no erasers! I would either draw with a pencil and ink on top later or sometimes draw directly with ink. The topics were chosen on the spot, depending on what interested me that particular day. There were some days, I didn't know what I was drawing until my pen touched paper. It was a fun exercise and really got my creative juices going!

Scroll further down if you'd like to see larger images with descriptions. 

'The Armed Explorer'
As the boat touched land, he readied himself for the unknown. 
'Catbus Pitstop'
Looks like Totoro won't be getting where he needs to go on time! Another Studio Ghibli illustration, this time from the movie My Neighbour Totoro. Go watch it if you haven't already! 
'Gaaaaah!! Roach-Zilla!!!'
Spent quality time rooming with a couple of cockroaches during my weekend getaway. 😳 I kid you not. Thought to myself, what if a gigantic one arrived and destroyed everything in its path? I don't think I'd stay and find out. 😱

'Put yer heads together'
Saturday morning monsters y'all!! Nothing more relaxing than conjuring a monster or two from ze brain! :D
Every sci-fi character's worst nightmare! Mine too. *shudders*
Pssst.. look closer for creepy crawlies inside helmet. 
'Bitten by the Rock Bug'
I miss playing an instrument!! Time to get back to it. 
'The Lion' 
The flat-noodle mane was the most fun to draw!! :D 
'Colossally Inspired!'
The day you're dying to draw is also the day your trusty marker decides to run out of ink! Watched #colossal a few days ago and I was blown away by the writing. How they took a regular monster movie, added a dash of the terrible thing that is reality, and made it so much more. Plus I'll shamelessly watch anything with Anne Hathaway in it too!
"The creature made its way to the masked relic and reached out, unaware of the chaos that would soon ensue." 
The truth behind headaches - Little destructive demons in beach shorts attacking your head like there's no tomorrow!! This is how I feel whenever the occasional pain strikes.

Seemed apt to draw Wednesday Addams on a Wednesday! :D Growing up, I loved watching The Addams family. These 4 were my absolute favourite! (4th one's on the bottom left. You remember Thing right?) Bring back 'em 90s cartoons!!! :'( 
'Saturday Night Vader!'
Happy Star Wars Day!! May the 4th be with you all! Played the Star Wars Dance Revolution game a while ago on the kinect and that dancing Vader was all that stuck in my mind haha. 
Eeeeeee #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 is finally out today!!! Can't wait to go watch Chris Pratt and the rest of the squad!!
"All Billy wanted to do was draw in his little notebook. The Jones brothers had other plans. Why, you ask? Because he wasn't like them and they didn't like it."
I know, rather morbid today, but I've been hearing so many stories from kids and grownups lately about how they're picked on because they don't conform to society's current standards. And it makes me miserable, having gone through the same myself. People have become so callous and judgemental lately. All I'll say is, be yourself, it doesn't matter if most people don't like you. A few will and they're all you need. 
'Swamp Thing'
I was first introduced to Alan Moore when I read 'V for Vendetta' and 'Watchmen'. LOVED the writing. Then a friend suggested I read Saga of the Swamp Thing and I was blown away. Beautifully written, vivid and so richly descriptive. It really resonates with you. One of the best graphic novels I've read in a while and I'm kicking myself for not having read it sooner! Drew this super quick with the nearest thing I could find at the work desk. 
It was a sad day for the 3 little pigs. Their trio was about to be reduced to two, what with pig no.3 suddenly deciding that he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a superhero. The Masked Porklet, he called himself, the true defender of justice!

'Princess Mononoke'
Studio Ghibli characters are my go-to people whenever I don't feel like myself. Instant happiness and inspiration whenever I play their movies. 
If you thought nobody was looking when you took that discreet selfie, think again! 
'Portrait of Monsieur Bernard, with a lot on his mind.'
Drawn for a day of dark thoughts and musings. 

Craving a visit to the beach. Figured I'd send an unlikely trio since I can't go. Do pardon the Giraffe. He's a tad uncomfortable in his new bathing suit. 😜

'Swag-fish!' 'Nuff said.
'Sore Losers and Mean Winners.'
Takes me back to my childhood - playing videogames with my cousin. We've all been one of these guys at some point. Come to think of it, I still hate losing, whatever the game.
'The Procrastinating Monster'
Look at him! Smug, lazy-ass, glued to his chair with creepers and roots for feet!! He lives in a tiny corner of your brain where he spends all his free time telling you not to do things. He also likes chips and cola. Kick him out maybe? Believe me I'm trying!! 
True story - 
Here, within the place I call home, 
lies a lake, horrendous, brimming with foam.

The foam, it flies in tiny little clouds, 
looking to cover us in nasty, smelly shrouds.

Run for cover! Everyone duck!
Or else, be covered in soapy muck!

Dedicated to this terrible lake in Bangalore called Varthur Lake, covered in foam. A terrible sight. :(
From the Journal: A self-imposed sketching challenge

From the Journal: A self-imposed sketching challenge

Daily doodles from my art journal.
