Rebecca Osses's profile

The Innovators Logo Design

НоваториТЕ е ежемесечно предаване за технологии, което събира историите на български предприемачи от целия свят и разкрива движещите сили зад успеха на техните компании. Всеки епизод разказва за една конкретна индустрия през перспективата на успешни български предприемачи в нея.


Every country has its innovators who drive forward technologies, business models and bold initiatives which shape whole generations. The Innovators is part of It is structured in the form of series of live talks which  bring the audience closer to the people who set these trends in Bulgaria. Once a month we invite Bulgarian successful innovator to share their story through a 60 minutes life chat. Before every episode we take at least 2 video interviews from start-up companies who are developing their businesses in the same industry which the episode is about.
The Innovators Logo Design


The Innovators Logo Design

Logo Design
