Perfil de Annette Ruchala

Better Business Bureau

BBB Membership Portal Design + Development
The Better Business Bureau, also know as “BBB”, is a non-profit organization that helps people find and recommend businesses, brands, and charities they can trust. Accredited businesses at the BBB, that have memberships, can access and manage them online through a membership portal. At the time the membership portal was first implemented, there was nothing but a blank page and a few links to other pages in a sidebar, for each BBB location to update however they seemed fit for their members. For the BBB of Chicago & Northern IL, I decided to design and develop the membership portal to feel more fresh, interactive, informative, and easy to navigate the most important features, while meeting corporate branding guidelines.
Landing Page
Better Business Bureau


Better Business Bureau

Membership portal design and development for accredited business members at the BBB.
