Ready Made Paintings
One of the things I most like in life is to find random objects and to ruin them.
Trust me, is cool as fuck.
Messy Painful Jesus
*Oil, Acrylic on XVIII Century Print*
*Oil Pastels on Digital Print*
Aliens Don't Exist, But They're Cool
*Oil, Acrylic on Old Book*
I Used to Like Math
*Oil, Acrylic on Old Book*
A Stranger's First Communion
*Oil, Acrylic on Vintage Portrait*
Balaclava Mary
*Oil Pastels, Acrylic on Vintage Sacred Print*
Balaclava Jesus
*Oil Pastels, Acrylic on Vintage Sacred Print*
I keep posting my bullshit on Instagram and ello, you can follow me here and here

Thank You!!!
Ready Made