I got this book from a friend. This is one of the most important books I ever read. It is one of my favorite. It is not a fiction, not a fable. This book is about the present moment, about now. An author is Eckhart Tolle, well known spiritual teacher. His philosophy is simply to observe and live in the now. According to him most of us do not live in the present moment and that is the cause of all the suffering. This book changed my perspective, way I was viewing the world and myself. His teaching helps me understand who I am. Great things deserve great design. A book that I have is very poorly designed so I put my work into it and designed it so that great thing can be great again.

A completely new approach to the topic, a new kind of thinking resulting from a deep understanding of the issue. After reading the book I think that this type of graphics will be more appropriate. A more subtle, aesthetic approach.

I recommend this book to every man.

Thank you for your time.

Good day.
The Power Of Now

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The Power Of Now

A book like no other.
