Yessir Brewery

The assignment was to find/invent a product that you like, and to make the packaging.
I made a brewery, with four different beers with a personality. A messy personality.

The idea was to make a dirty and raw looking beer with instructions on how to get the best
out of it. That's why every beer comes in a box with a small guidebook.

"Drink like a sir, drink it proper"

Illustrations, photos and design by me.

 This was my exam at school, and we got aprox 2 weeks on it or something like that.


The boxes
Open sesamy
Inside pattern
Don't worry, the beer comes with instructions
Drag the bottle, and out comes the guidebook
The guidebooks
They're small
has steps on how to enjoy the beer at it's best
You can take notes
And has a backside
All boxes and bottles has an "explaination" on the backside
Illustrations used. All drawn by hand with a pen.
Yessir Brewery

Yessir Brewery

School exam
