Finn Mullan's profile

Post-Truth Posters

Post-Truth Posters
The poster series was created as a response to Post-Truth using content from both surveys and articles these posters highlight and play with the topics. The posters use a combination of Baskerville considered to be the most believable typeface and Bastardville a self made version using the most broken forms of Baskerville. 

Baskerville and repeatedly scanned at a low dpi, printed and scanned again until the most broken down form of the type remained. Then tracing over the letter forms in Adobe Illustrator and transferring them into Glyphs, creating Batardville as usable type. 
The letterforms are now barley recognisable. Bastardville is not made to be easily legible, its is made so that the viewer struggle to read the content. 

Post-Truth Posters