Profil appartenant à Etienne Chaize

Shangri Tunkashi-La

Shangri Tunkashi-La
for jazzman Mederic Collignon and Plus Loin Music label
Covers for the CD/vinyl album of french trumpettist Mederic Collignon's "Shangri Tunkashi-La" project.
Both images done at 32x32 cm.

References/sources: Gustave Dore, Piranese, William Miller, Mati Karlwein,Tadanori Yokoo
LP Front side
LP Back side
Final LP cover
Packaging done by Plus Loin Music
Shangri Tunkashi-La
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Shangri Tunkashi-La

Covers for the CD/vinyl album of french trumpettist Médéric Collignon's "Shangri Tunkashi-La" project. Published by Plus Loin Music.

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