Profiel van Elia Gardella

The Black Dog - Print / Painting

The Black Dog project
Since I started my journey into the digital world I always carried inside me that need for the past, the analog way of doing things, the mistake, the imperfection, to have to mix a color instead of picking it, to detach my eyes from the screen and to look at something real in my hands.

So, while sometimes I try to make a step toward the past (like with traditional hand-drawn animations) this time I wanted to make an even longer step: I took my latest digital image and I translated it into a painting and a small series of woodcut prints.
Starting digital image: "The black dog" (Cinema 4D)
Painting: acrylics on canvas (150x50 cm)
...colors looks funnier than they are in my shitty photos...
Woodcut: series of 4 copies (15x22 cm)
My very first try at this technique. I find it very satisfying, I did many mistakes in the process and learned a lot.
This was a nice trip and I'll definitely do it again.
The Black Dog - Print / Painting

The Black Dog - Print / Painting
