This Magazine was developed during the creative discipline of the IED (Istituto Europeu di Design) editorial design course where all students were to take a photo essay from a task that the teacher passed, each had a different task. Then we had to choose some poems that had to do with rehearsal. Soon after we had created a magazine that had to contain the essays of all the students and to create species of materials.
In this specific magazine I tried to make all the photos look terrifying and so the black background was used. It would be the 1st edition of this art publication in which each edition would have a theme to be explored and in this case is the terror.
Magazine Cover.
Magazine cover and 4th cover.
Details of Magazine
Details of Magazine.
Details of Magazine.
Details of Magazine.
Details of Magazine.
Details of Magazine.
Poiesis Logo, the magazine name.
Poiesis magazine

Poiesis magazine
