Soundbox features various jukeboxes (Soundboxes) located throughout the campus at various halls (Montgomery Hall, Gulfstream, Adler, etc) at SCAD. Each Soundbox would be an estimote beacon where users could "drop" one song per day into, almost like a dropbox for music (hence the name).
Soundbox is an app concept  that would allow more cross-major mingling and communication within SCAD. Music was the topic I decided to work off of because it releases dopamine in the brain, and most people share the common interest. I also wanted to use beacons from that would sense a user's phone distance proximity the beacon. 
The four main screens would be a Discover view, Place Song, Leaderboards, and Most Recent Song.

The Discover view would show a map with hub locations (including songs placed, most recent song dropped). If the user got within a certain radius to a certain Soundbox, they could place in a song for the day.

The leaderboards screen shows a list of the song "Droppers" who dropped the most songs that week, along with their profile including name, major, description, etc.

Finally, the Most Recent Song screen would show the most recent song dropped at any given Soundbox, showing the person who dropped it and their major. This feature primarily was to introduce people to different types of music and potentially connect to new people if their music tastes were the same. This screen also features an audio visualization I programmed in Processing, with a for loop primarily taking data points from the amplitude of the synced audio and drawing circles at increments of roughly 50 (figured out through trial and error). 
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