"Temptation," 2012
From the Lucid Series 

Whenever I have a lucid dream, I seem to handle it differently. Sometimes I use that place of wisdom to find answers I've been looking for within my unconscious mind. Other times, I am tempted by pleasures from the material world. Treats... like donuts, cupcakes, the opposite sex... the list goes on. These pleasures are all very tempting, maybe even more so in a dream than in waking life.

Dream entry:
"I am in a room filled with cupcakes that no one is allowed to eat. I become lucid and I realize these rules do not apply to me since it is only a dream after all. I get up and begin stuffing my face with cupcakes until the authority figures chase me around a college campus. It was no longer a lucid dream at that point, I had lost myself again."


Another self-portrait concept inspired by my dream reality.
