Profil appartenant à Richard Kelemen

Pilisi Gótika | Catalog

P I L I S I  G Ó T I K A  |  C A T A L O G

I had the opportunity to design the catalog for an Archaeological exhibition titled Gothic in the Monastery of Pilis. The Exhibition contained lots of interesting gothic seals, keystones and building elements.

My goal was to create a healthy, balanced typography which is not in the way of the exhibited items. The focus should be on the content, not on the book itself after all.

For each item there is a caption with an index number as a reference to the copy text. Color wise I have used a saturated orange which makes a good contrast with the content. I have applied a lighter version of this orange as a background color for the first page, and a very light grey for all of the last pages of each section.

You can check out the exhibition identity on this link. 

Editors  D R .  A T T I L A  B Á R Á N Y,  D R .  E L E K  B E N K Ő,  Z O L T Á N  K Á R P Á T I
Client  F E R E N C Z Y  M Ú Z E U M I  C E N T R U M

Title typeface  N E R I S  by Eimantas Paškonis
Copy typeface  A R N O  P R O  by Robert Slimbach


Pilisi Gótika | Catalog
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Pilisi Gótika | Catalog

Catalog of the exhibition: Gothic in the Monastery of Pilis

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