This is an interpretation of the 60’s counterculture and it’s effects in our current lives. 

Mythicized by hippies and psychedelic rock, this period in time has had a tremendous impact in our modern world. To bridge this time gap we brought the ideas of the iconic Timothy Leary. Although known as an advocate of LSD usage, the guru’s interests we’re in the potential of the human mind, he wanted us to evolve as species.

In 1993, almost 30 years after saying the now infamous catch-phrase “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”, which influenced a whole generation to experiment with psychedelics and elevate their consciousness, Leary released “How to Operate your Brain”.

Think for yourself, question authority he proclaims in this trip-inducing video. This “publice service video” brings all the ideals of the 60’s youth and put’s them in the perspective of a digital information era. The ideology is basically the same, the tools change. The 60’s brought psychedelics, the 90’s brought computers, and now we have what Marshall Mcluhan and Timothy Leary predicted, a global village with infinite connections. With this printed piece we take you on a visual trip. From the communal drop outs who tried LSD to the potential digital drop outs. 

Leary didn’t get to see our world of today, and Leary’s thoughts have been lost in time. But it is necessary to be self-aware, it is necessary to search within and reprogram our brain. If we can come together and understand the possibilities of this, maybe we can reach higher grounds.

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